How it works, what it is.
Our collection sites are for ALL of our pizza fans out there! These are the locations where you can pick up a pizza and squeeze the goodness out of life. Whether it’s a midweek slump or a weekend movie fix, head down to your one of our collection sites and ignite that Social Dough endorphin for a fantastic foodie feeling.
We have established regular collection sites that are located amongst the hearts of our pizza fanbases. The collection sites are where we first made our pizza friends. Below is a schedule of the collection site locations, outlining when we’re at them.
You can pre-order on the same day from 12pm. Simply click then head down at your chosen collection time- this guarantees your pizzas!

Check out where will be on the map below
Rocking up on the day is also cool but please be aware we often sell out, so ordering beforehand guarantees your order and may reduce your wait time before you pop down!
Some of our locations are the absolute (dough) balls! – At Nisha’s Secret Garden every Thursday or The Woodman Pub (Ruislip and Pinner) on Saturday’s you can dine in and devour pizzas and drinks in one spot!